ERBC – Veteran Benefits New York

ERBC – Veteran Benefit, Veteran Benefit Assistance Southborough MA

Veterans who have questions regarding the VA Pension program can seek advice from the Elder Resource Benefits Consulting Group (ERBC). We will first conduct a cash flow analysis. To decide your eligibility for the VA program, we will assess your medical expenses, assets, and monthly income. It’s important to figure out if – and when – you and your spouse are eligible for benefits. For an initial consultation, contact the ERBC.

In exchange for their service to the country, the US government provides special benefits to veterans. This includes a pension for soldiers who are too old or handicapped to work or support their lifestyles. There are, however, some restrictions for eligibility that must be met.

Turn to Elder Benefits Consulting for help with veterans’ benefits in New York. Unfortunately, many people are either unaware of or unsure how to access these benefits. As a result, individuals’ rights are violated. We place a high value on informing our clients about their lifestyle choices. You can choose from a number of partner retirement communities in Connecticut and other states.

Veterans’ pensions

To be eligible for a pension, a veteran must have served for at least ninety days (including the period of the conflict). It is necessary to have an honorable discharge – or any other qualified discharge. It is not required for service to take place in war. A veteran under the age of 65 must be disabled and demonstrate medical evidence to be eligible for a pension. For people over the age of 65, there is no impairment criterion.

Survivors’ Pension

The surviving spouse of a deceased veteran is eligible for a Survivor’s Pension. These spouses do not have to be disabled or a set age, but they must meet certain requirements. This includes requirements such as a one-year marriage or the birth of a child during the marriage. The veteran’s spouse must have lived with him or her during their marriage and be married at the time of his or her death. Furthermore, after the death of the spouse, the spouse should not have remarried.